Survey Welcome to your Survey Questions 1. Would you ever consider purchasing The Beer Chair for yourself?YesNo If No, why not:a) Not in the market for a recliner chair.b) Would not fit in with existing furniture.c) Already own a recliner chair.d) The Beer Chair doesn't interest you.e) Other (please explain below). 2. Would you buy The Beer Chair as a gift for someone else?YesNo If Yes, for which of the following occasions (multiple answers possible): a) Brithday b) Christmas c) Wedding d) Anniversary e) Father's / Mother's Day f) Other (Please specify below) What is the maximum amount you would consider paying for The Beer Chair (please specify currency)? Do you watch sports on television?YesNo If Yes, which sports (multiple answers possible):a) NFLb) NHLc) NBAd) MLBe) AFLf) Rugbyg) Cricketh) Soccer/Footballi) Other (please specify below) Do you enjoy drinking beer while watching the game?YesNo If Yes, how many beers do you typically drink while watching the game? Demographics Age: Sex:MaleFemale Country of residence: City of residence: Which of the following are you?a) Studentb) Permanently employedc) Part-time employedd) Unemployede) Retired Which of the following are you?MarriedSingle Do you currently live in a:a) Houseb) Apartmentc) Condominium Time is Up! Time's up